...About Fonts?
Published on March 29, 2005 By KeithMacDonald In OS Customization
Who thinks a fonts section would be nice to see in Wincustomize? I would LOVE to see one.
on Mar 29, 2005
My vote would be for Trillian if a new section was added.
on Mar 29, 2005
Wincustomize.com is a 'skinning' site....I think even screensavers is a stretch....
on Mar 29, 2005
There are already a bunch of font sites out there. Besides, you just don't make a font and share it 5 minutes after. You have to design it, add every character (yes, also those weird ones in other languages), set the kerning, test it, correct errors, test it again etc. I haven't had the time to make a font yet, but I have considered it.
on Mar 29, 2005
I agree with Jafo. No need for fonts here. There are already lots of font sites.
on Mar 29, 2005
the best one in my opinion is/was Link
on Mar 29, 2005
What PixelPirate said.
I'd very much doubt there would be submittet many really good fonts. Most likely it'd be fonts that barely includes the letters, signs and numbers for the most used characters on the english alphabet. And I've honestly had enough of them. Making fonts is by it self and artform and profession. And it's very hard to master.
But by all means, I'm not saying that there are people around here that can do it, it's just going to be a very tiny section. I'd love to see good font. But I've never (or very very rarly) seen a good freeware font.
on Mar 29, 2005
hey, it wouldnt be a loner on the tiny category... there are few firefox skins, as well... (oh, and my definition of skinning is a change of appearance, fonts are changes of appearance for text, screensavers are... well, you get the idea)
on Mar 29, 2005
Well, you could change the Marlett font to tweak some of the default appearnace in Windows. But there's a limit to what you can do, and with most people using WB or VS you won't notice much of it anyways. And since it's a systemfont it's not strait forward to replace. I learned the hard way. I wanted anti-aliased Tahoma text below 12pt on my Win2000 system so I opened it up in a font editor and tweaked the antialiasing setting. That was easy, making the system accept it was harder. My computer detected the changed system file and treated it like when your body see a dangerous bacteria.
on Mar 29, 2005
i can see both sides of the font issue..how about a link to sites that have fonts and/or a review section referring to fonts that skinners use with their skins? just a thought
on Mar 29, 2005

..how about a link to sites that have fonts

That sort of thing works provided it is a reciprocal system...so traffic/popularity/exposure is a two-way street...

on Mar 29, 2005
Chances are people would upload other's fonts as their own, which is harder to chase down than skins rips, since there's not too many font experts around these parts who can spot a 'borrowed' one right away. Or the most likely scenario these days "This is a font for 'insert OS, game or program here', ported by me".
on Mar 29, 2005
Making fonts is by it self and artform and profession. And it's very hard to master.
But by all means, I'm not saying that there are people around here that can do it, it's just going to be a very tiny section

Miss a word?
on Mar 29, 2005
Jafo thinks so..... "not" ....  Spell checker 
on Mar 29, 2005
WinCustomize is ultimately a Windows Customization site.  So it doesn't have to be just skins. Just things to customize your Windows environment.  But I'm not sure about fonts. I'm more inclined to deal with sound effects.