Ok, your iPod nano doesn't work, right? You've tried everything, and you can't even open it's drive. I have a way to fix that, using DOS.
Warning: everything short of the firmware WILL be gone.
Note: I've only used Windows XP Home Edition, with SP2, with an iPod nano 4g black. It should work with different kinds, though.Ok, now that that's done, here it is:
- Last resort: iPod nano
- Reset your iPod (hold select and menu for a few seconds, until screen changes into the Apple logo)
- Immediately hold select and play/pause button, until it will say "Disk Mode"
- Connect it to the computer
- Hit the Start menu and hit "run"
- Type "cmd"
- Type "e:" (Without the ""'s). If it says it's corrupt, continue. If it doesn't, close and stop the process; this is not what you need to fix you iPod. (Like the next one, just give it time... It needs it.)
- Type "format e:" (Without the ""'s) (You should check to see if the drive letter. It might not be "E:")
- Now, it looks like it's doing nothing. Just give it time, it needs it.
- When this is done, your iPod should work now!
Ok, you wonder why I'm telling you this. This is why: I was updating my iPod nano to 1.2 from 1.1.1. I thought it was done (After update on the iPod, it says it itself), so I unplugged it. All of my media is still in it, but it can't use them. It says that there is nothing that it can use (Like contacts, music, pictures, etc.) I cheched to see if it's still on it, and it is (3.7 gb total, 2.3 gb left). If tried everything from Apple, but it still doesn't work. So I thought about reformatting it. (No warranty, no nothing, so I'm free to do it). And it works! So that is why I've told you guys about it. Apple should add that to there website, actually.
Oh, yea, if you are worried about the disk mode, don't worry about it. When you unplug it, it will revert to normal.