Published on May 10, 2005 By KeithMacDonald In Websites
Well, I have decide to make my own small business, called z3 gx Design. I am currently working on a website for my small business, and since I suck with scripting (to put it literally) and with wording things out, like paragraphs, I would really like some help. Jafo: I need to discuss with you a partnership between Wincustomize and z3 gx Design when you have the time, thank you.

Currently, I have help from SSOne ( who is also a member of the Wincustomize community, for those who didn't know.

I need a larger design team! If you are willing to help out, please post a not saying something about what you have to offer the site.

Thank You, Keith MacDonald (President of z3 gx Design)

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