I thikn You Might Want To Know About This
Published on August 30, 2005 By KeithMacDonald In Websites
I think you might be interested to see this. Thisnk back to your GT3 work on this one: http://www.50webs.com/
on Aug 30, 2005
Spam? Otherwise I'm missing something...
on Aug 30, 2005
Look in the column on the right side, right underneath the text saying Video Tutorials.
on Aug 30, 2005
aimzzz, thats TIGGZ orb (DESIGN) on the right side of the page..ripped or sold..only he would know
on Aug 30, 2005
Sorry! I've seen too many spam posts that just point to commercial sites--(not here, tho). I didn't notice the orb. Hope they have their copyright papers in order!
on Aug 30, 2005
Where has TIGZZ been, anyway?
on Aug 30, 2005
yeah, where's he? he ought to see that.
on Aug 30, 2005
Probably helping Pooh Bear get some honey.
on Aug 30, 2005
I have been wondering the same thing......where is tiggz?? We miss your great work!!
on Aug 31, 2005
I emailed him recently and he has a job! Unfortunately its taking up more than enough of his time and you can guess how that effect skinning/widget creation. He did let me know that he has got several things in the works, but it'll be a long while before he gets time to complete them.
on Aug 31, 2005
Thanks for the update, Woodbridge ...I'd also been wondering.
on Sep 02, 2005
I have taken a quick look at the website that was linked and those cads at 50webs have definitely "borrowed" something they shouldn't. Thanks for bringing it to my attention. I shall immediately let loose the dogs of war, or perhaps just send them an email or something.

As Rob mentioned in his post, I did in fact get a job, skinning no less, and for the first few months all my skinning juices were being used up and I was finding it very hard to get motivated to do my personal projects. As time has gone on though, I have been getting a stronger urge to continue with the numerous skins and widget ideas that pop into my fevered brow. Whilst the job I have is pretty ideal, allowing me quite a free reign to develop interface graphics and even widgets, it's still a job, and the ideas originate from somebody else's imagination. There is nothing in the world like coming up with your own concepts, especially with widgets, and then trying to turn them into a reality. Hopefully I will get a few things completed and be able to upload them to Wincustomize before we all get too old to care

I made a start yesterday by uploading a whimsical little weather widget called Harmonize weather. Also on the drawing board are various other widgets, new concepts and updates to some of my favourite past creations. I have a windowblinds skin at about 90% completion that I began nearly 5 months ago, it's the one in the desktop screenshot section on my homepage. I can't promise a timeframe on these skins, but barring the possibility that all my fingers fall off or whatever, they will all be finished and uploaded eventually.
on Sep 02, 2005
eventually? EVENTUALLY? I think this whole job thing has thrown your priorities out of order.

Best regards Matt.
on Sep 02, 2005
Congrats on the job!
Good to hear about what you're up to
on Sep 02, 2005
It is EXTREMELY excellent to hear from you. I'm glad that your job involves skinning as well. To do anything less with talent like yours would be terrific injustice.
Can't wait till you have some time to enlighten us all with your wonders. The best of good fortune to you.
on Sep 02, 2005

I have been getting a stronger urge to continue with the numerous skins and widget ideas that pop into my fevered brow.

Give in to that urge...or I'll come round your joint and beat you senseless with a wet train ticket, m'kay?....